General Questions
Can I use WaffarX if I live outside UAE, Egypt, Saudi and Kuwait?
Yes, as long as the store you are purchasing from is one of our partners and will ship to your territory.
What is Cash Back?
Stores pay us, so we pay you. No points only CASH.
Cash Back is an amount of your total transaction value that you get back when you shop at stores through WAFFARX, in-store or online! The Cash Back is added to your account and you can withdraw your money on the scheduled CashOut days via your preferred CashOut method.
Simply choose your CashOut method once and your Cash Back will be transferred automatically to you on each CashOut day.
How WaffarX works?
Join for free.
It takes less than 10 seconds to create your profile, and you will receive 2.50$ Welcome Bonus.
Browse through the stores or search items & check offers and prices. Simply visit the retailers' site through WaffarX by clicking the shop now button and complete your purchase like normal.
By partnering with your favorite brands we can offer you money back on your purchase.
Every quarter will send you the Cash Back.
It is that simple! No forms to fill & No points to redeem. Just cash.
Why should I use WaffarX?
We simply save some money for you.
When you shop online at your favorite stores but through WaffarX, they pay us a fee and we share this fee with you. it’s that straight forward.
Best of all, we never charge a membership fee nor ask our valuable customers to fill forms.
We just send you your cash the way you prefer.
How do I join WaffarX?
It’s a free membership using only your email address and adding the Cash Out method.
Your email is for communication, and your Cash Out method is for sending you your Cash Back.
You can start getting Cash Back as soon as you sign up
So hurry up!
Does WaffarX have a mobile Application?
Yes. WaffarX has launched the mobile application in November 2020, and you can download it from Android or IOS, or Huawei, for any questions concerning the application please contact us.